3 Efficient Ways To Reduce Your Home’s Heating Costs

3 Efficient Ways To Reduce Your Home’s Heating Costs

When you see half of your energy bill comes only from the heater, it’s good to consider alternative ways to reduce heating costs. Discuss heating effectiveness, energy efficiency, and other heater choices with Oxbow Heating & Cooling, your dependable HVAC contractor in Gresham, OR.

The Top Three Strategies

Here are the top three strategies to make your winter affordable while keeping you warm. Follow up to ensure you get the best heating at the best prices.

Programmable thermostat

Your thermostat is the front soldier behind the hot air flowing through your home. Therefore, turning the thermostat down will affect the heating as well as the energy bills of your home. So, if you think turning the thermostat down by a few degrees and using a sweater or a blanket can save you on an energy bill, you are right.

With even better programmable thermostats, you can set your thermostat to lower the temperature during the daytime or when you are not at home. These devices can give you complete control of your house temperature on just your phone. So, try to lower the load on your thermostat whenever you can, and you will see more savings on your utility bills.

Invest in insulation

Most heat loss in a home is caused by inadequate insulation and leaks around the doors, windows, and attic. Techniques like weatherstripping, air sealing, and insulation may be useful in this situation. If you want to keep the hot air inside, use as few fans as possible and cover the cracks. By doing this, both hot and cold air will stay within the house.

Start by fixing all the gaps in your windows and keep the doors shut to prevent air exchange. Switch to ceiling fans for even distribution of hot air. This way, even when the heater is off, you may feel warm and comfortable inside with no cold air. Contact HVAC repair in Portland, ORand ask for more insulation solutions.

Use alternative heating sources

Breathing warm air does not mean you must always keep your heater on. Turn your heating system off to save HVAC cost, and use clothing for extra heat. Layering up more clothes can be a life savior, and if you stay inside a blanket and watch a movie, you won’t need any other heat source. For young children and teens, engaging in physical activity, such as a dance, or light exercise, can be extremely healthy.

Use rugs and carpets on the floor to warm it and spend quality time cooking. Drink some hot chocolate and warm yourself naturally. Open the blinds on sunny days to warm the indoor area and close them shut at night to prevent heat from escaping. As your heater rests during this time, you save more on heating costs.

To Wrap Up

For preventative maintenance to heating repair in Gresham, Oxbow Heating & Cooling provides you with guaranteed high-quality HVAC services. We provide financing and customized maintenance plans with more than 30 years of experience. Give us a call to discuss the job.